CannaCare Rx Interview
I had the opportunity to talk with Kevin Edmundson of CannaCare Rx Clinics and he had a lot to say about his work.
Richard: You own CannaCare. Correct?
Kevin: I own the SyntaxSolutions, or I’m one of the owners of the SyntaxSolutions that owns all the CannaCare brands.
Richard: Alright and what products do you sell?
Kevin: Everything from CBD to THC. We’re vertical in three différent states. So we do the medical marijuana in Oklahoma, Texas and California. We’re moving into Florida and Alabama right now.
Richard: Alright so, can anyone get your products or do you have to have a medical marijuana pass or something like that?
Kevin: No, so you go to Bartlesville, Oklahoma. We’ve got two locations already open and opening three more. They’re called the CannaCare Clinics. It’s the first opiate-based clinic in the United States, so basically, we help people get off of opiates and prescription drugs using cannabinoids: CBD, THC, THCV, CBN. CBA, and we teach people how to actually use them as a medicine. So when they come in all of those patches are there. The vitamin B-12 patches, the anemic patches, the immunity patches. That’s all inside the CannaCare Rx now. They are getting ready to be shipped to other stores within the next three months. Probably within the next month. I just signed a deal with a company that put us in five différent areas: California, Texas, Oklahoma, Florida and North Carolina and they’re distributor channels and they’ll be able to hit about 20,000 more customers a week than what I’m hitting right now.
Richard: Cool, so business is booming?
Kevin: Well that and remember, I have the CannaCare Hemp side. That CannaCare Hemp and Fiber Company, which, that’s the company doing all of the business right now. This week alone we sold 7 refineries within the United States. I know there’s a lot here and trust me. We get lost in it too. So, the Syntax Solution is a management company. In the THC industry, you’re not allowed to do certain types of write offs like, you can’t write off a vehicle, you cannot write off a piece of equipment, but when the SyntaxSolution buys it, then we’re able to take those yearly tax write off — employment tax write offs. Energy efficient for hiring people, get grants from the United States, but as a medical marijuana company, we can’t do that. So, everything we own goes through the SyntaxSolution. Now the CannaCare brand is all about medical research and helping people understand this plant as a medicine and how you can use it and we’re going to go after training the doctors and the nurses. For example, 90% of doctors, if they prescribe RSO to their patient, don’t understand the side effects of RSO. RSO will basically drop somebody’s blood pressure 30 points in about 20 minutes after taking it. So we have a lot of seniors that take the RSO and they end up in the emergency room and that’s because they’re on 4 blood pressure pills and it drops their blood pressure so low that they have to go in and be taken off of those medications and we’re seeing that everyday.
Richard: Okay and I’m just not familiar with the science of it. I know weed and cannabis help with pain and stuff like that but how exactly does that work?
Kevin: Okay so the cannabinoids the turpin profiles — so the cannabinoids — THC is a cannabinoid. It’s just one of about 200 cannabinoids that we’re already starting to understand. So let’s walk through it. The most common one is CBD. Everybody knows if you have anxiety, you take CBD. Well if you take CBN, it will help you sleep. If you take CBG, CBG will help you with inflammation. Okay? THCVA will help you with weight loss and now we’re starting to learn which ones of these différent cannabinoids do différent things and when you combine these cannabinoids with vitamin B-12 or magnesium for easy absorption, someone who’s old can absorb it. What’s happening is we’re taking so many pharmaceutical drugs into our system that once we do that, we get what’s called pharmaceutical toxicity. That pharmaceutical toxicity is what causes cancer in most people’s bodies or heavy amounts of inflammation. So we are now teaching seniors, “Here’s what you need to use”. A lot of them never even make it to the THC side of it to our medical clinics because we find what relieves their pain with these high dose patches. It’s complicated, I know but what’s going to end up happening — I give away free medical cards in the United States and Oklahoma. A patient whose 50–60 years old may have Stage III Cancer, Stage IV Cancer — some kind of illness, will come to us to get a free medical card and they’re in pain that day. Well we hit the doctor to see him on a video chat. They fill out their paperwork. Now it’s going to be 35–45 days before — in Oklahoma — they get their medical license. So we immediately put them on these high-dose CBD patches — not the smokable stuff — CBG sprays and we teach them and by the time the card gets their most of my seniors don’t even care if they get their THC card. Now some of them do. They like the novelty, but with our research we’re about to have three THC products. One is an inhaler, a meter-dosed THC inhaler, a meter-dosed 6,000 strength lotion, and a transdermal patch. A pain patch. These are all three approved by the FDA through the EAU emergency act for COVID-19 and these will be the three first medical studies with COVID-19 and medical marijuana. That’s going to be on the market and these products will be followed up with a telemedicine watch that will be offered because once it goes federally legal we get this thing. We can monitor these people 24 hours a day and watch as they take their medicine on their smartwatch, “Hey I just took my medicine,” which is their THC and now we can see they went to sleep, they couldn’t sleep on it. Now we’re tracking that or they went for a jog and it increased their blood pressure. We won’t be able to track them 24 hours a day but we’ll build medicare and medicaid because it’s also a tracking device if a senior has a problem. If they think they’re having a heart attack, they hit the watch just like a lifeline and it sends it straight to an emergency room or if they want to call in, they have 24-hour access to a medical doctor on a telemed system. We have over 250 medical doctors ready to start this program with us. So, we’re doing a lot but we’re doing a lot of it in the medical research and in the next 6 months you’ll see all our products hitting the market. You’ll see CannaCare in about 7 différent states. I got one in Alabama being opened. One in Florida. Two in Texas. One in Las Vegas and two in California and then my Oklahoma ones I have 5 right now, or building in the 5 I should say.
Richard: So what made you want to go into the cannabis industry?
Kevin: I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it but I’ll show you [showing a picture of his previous self]. Can you see that picture of me?
Richard: Yeah.
Kevin: I had colon cancer and a major stroke. You can see it in my left cheek and I was given 90 days to live. My wife took me home and took me off the 25 prescription drugs, which was 117 pills a day for my cancer. To cure my cancer. They gave me 117 pills a day. The pain pills they were giving me were causing constipation. So now you have all this toxic medicine going into your stomach to get rid of the cancer and it was binding in my stomach. Have you ever seen what happens when you put too much heat together? Things explode. Well I was blowing holes in my stomach and it was colon cancer. Well, it was actually, what they now determined to be, pharmaceutical toxicity. It was because my body had too many prescription drugs and could not process it through my liver and my kidneys and so after we got off that, my wife started using FECO, Full Cannabis extract. RSO. Rick Simpson oil. Phoenix tears. It’s the same stuff. It’s basically the whole marijuana plant put down into a black tar oil and then put into suppositories. You can know where the suppositories go. So for 90 days she kept me so doped up on the THC and RSO, on the 93rd day I came out of it and I was already taking and walking and everybody started crying and I didn’t know why, and it was because I just came out of this stumper nobody knew how to get me out of and thought I was going to be dead and now if you can see. I’ve done really well. I’m very healthy now. My doctor cannot believe it. I’m down about 240 pounds. I wasn’t fat. My kidneys shut down. I was absorbing that much water and fluid. It was causing edema in my whole body which was putting so much pressure on my liver and my lungs that nothing was working properly. When things don’t work properly you get sick. So that’s when my wife and us determined that the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry themselves is causing this toxin because by federal law you’re only allowed to have 3 pharmaceutical drugs in your system at any time because our bodies cannot process that amount of toxins. And so when I was on 25, 117 pills a day, It was killing me. It was just killing me. I am not on nothing now. I haven’t taken a pill in three years now. I’m healthier than most 52-year-olds. I’m getting my hair back from the chemo now. Things are changing. And now I take that to the 500 and 70-year-olds, with the understanding that I want to help them get off of these opiates and the pharmaceutical drugs. My success rate is about 100% right now. Just recently an 84-year-old lady came to me. SHe was having strokes or TIA seizures. She wasn’t able to talk. She was slurring. Water was coming out the side of her mouth. I told her you need to try some RSO. So she went down to her thing and went through her doctor and got some RSO at the clinic. Within one week, she went from 12 medications down to one, she is now driving around and visiting our grandchildren every day. She hadn’t seen them in three years because she couldn’t get out of her house. So we know we’re on to something. And so we’re just trying to multiply that. And now that we’re bringing the research study and we’ll be able to open about a dozen of these stores in the next year to help people. But different that a clinic, most clinics that you go to are what I consider almost like a pill mill. You want your medical card? No problem. Here you go. Hours. You have to come back once a month. See the doctor. How you doing? How is this affecting you? How is the RSL working up your dosing? We take their weight, their blood pressure, because we’re doing medical data research at the same time on these patients to see which different strands, a different chemical compounds work in older people that are on different products. So we’re very, very intense with all this, and this program will be launched full force, like I said, within the next three months all through Florida.
Richard: So so that’s what made you want to get into this industry of cannabis and helping others?
Kevin: Yes. One hundred percent.
Richard: So what do you think of the fact that cannabis still isn’t completely legalized throughout the entire United States?
Kevin: I think it’s a misunderstanding of a lot of different things from a lot of different state. There’s so much information. Just recently, I just went through Alabama, Atlanta and North Carolina and South Carolina and Texas and they call. Different plants, different things like they still think CBD is marijuana and a lot of these states, they just don’t understand that it has nothing to do with it. It’s not even illegal to possess. But some of these states still don’t want to take it off of the list because they don’t they don’t see the difference between the two. Well, if it comes from the same plant, how can it not be marijuana? Well, again, it goes back to that Turpan profile and that cannabinoid profile. There’s only one that we have found so far. And it’s THC that causes your brain to fly because this officially is what it is. It’s this agentic part of it. It plays with your mind. And that’s kind of where we’re trying to teach. People know there’s just so many different things, like we teach people not to smoke marijuana at eight o’clock at night. The first night it might be good, but about three or four nights and you start acting like a crack person. You’re just starting. Your brain will start fuzzy and you’ll start messing up and you don’t get sleep. Well, what happens to the human body is when it doesn’t sleep, it doesn’t heal. The only time we can heal is when we’re almost into night, the complete sleep with our hands. And then we have to go into almost a coma, a coma, a coma to be able to heal. So think about it. When you hear somebody gets in a major car, actually, you always hear the doctor say, hey, we’re going to induce a coma so he can heal, heal faster. That’s the only time. But if you’re taking a hallucinogenic at night, your brain’s racing for 20 hours where you’re sleeping. So we teach people to take no none of that and take CBG at night. The ones we’re doing that with are having better days, more productive days and getting more work accomplished because they’re not so upset and they’re not. So they don’t have so much anxiety.
Richard: All right. So where do you see this business in this industry going in the next five to 10 years?
Kevin: So working with the FDA and what we’re doing right now, the FDA says it’s only going to be three things they allowed to come to market. The propellant aerosols, the nebulizers are there, what they call rescue inhalers that are metered, just like you take your Ambien and stuff. The other one will be the high dose creams and the other will be transdermal patches. They’re not going to allow edibles and smokeable to the market. So we want to we believe that. I call it the honeymoon phase, the honeymoon phase is over and a lot of states, it’s like when you’re 20, you’re twenty one. You like to drink to turn twenty one, you don’t want to drink as much or a lot of us didn’t. Well, same thing we’re doing, these 40 gram dads and making, you know, blowing big ol puffs of smoke. But you don’t see that anymore. You know, it’s now, oh, man, if I don’t have this, I can’t get out of bed in the morning. And so they’re finding out that this is more of a medicine and they’re not using it just to get high, for example, my cells for my forty five year olds and below, they’ll come in and spend forty five dollars and complain that the price is too high. They just want the best week to get high and they just want whatever it is. But they complain about forty five dollars. The seniors walk in and they’ll buy two hundred dollars worth of products. They know it’s going to help them and they never even look at the price, but they never even ask to smoke if they want it in gummies and edibles. So again, I think the senior market is going to be where it’s more productive. People are going to smoke. It’s going to be recreational by next year, probably two thousand twenty two by November or sooner. The way that Congress is going, they just released the Banking Act. That’s going to open up a lot of doors for a lot of people. I believe that that’s going to fade away. And you’re going to hear a lot more about the other industry canne, hemp fiber, green foods, hemp crate. So this plant’s going to revolve. They’ll still be medicine and research going on. But you’re going to see the plant being used for technical building projects like building the wall around Florida. Out of concrete blocks to help the shore not fall into the ocean anymore.
Richard: Uh. And I looked it up.
Kevin: Trust me, I didn’t know until the University of Florida told me how bad the corrosion value around the property and they were trying to figure out the United States won’t let us use hypocrite yet on land because it hasn’t been certified safe in all forms. But the research out of England shows that building blocks are good. So we have the background to do it. So we came up with a way we can go into the ocean and build the wall because it’s under maritime law and it’s not federal law. When we looked it up and had our lawyers now challenge it, that’s where we’re winning it because it’s not federal. So they can’t stop us from building it.
Richard: Interesting. Well, those are all the questions I had, Kevin. Is there anything else you want to add?
Kevin: Now and again? I don’t know which way you wanted. I mean, like I said, I do Cana because nobody else cares and CannaCares. And we try to make sure Cana is the primary focus, not marijuana, not CBD. It’s Cana, it’s the whole plan. How can we use it as a medicine? University of Florida, for example, is using it for brain, the hemp plant, not the marijuana plant, but the hemp plant to help brain cancer. And they’re showing successful returns coming back on it already. Yeah, so the University of Texas is working on PTSD research on it, so and it’s now starting to work now. Most of the companies I get all my information, I’m still working with across the pond into Israel because they’ve been studying it for 30 years. And so I’m working with about three companies from there to get me the technology, the testing equipment and to understand this product a lot better.